Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Wednesdays With Joanne: "For All the WRITE Reasons"

Are there any other kind when it comes to writing?

Yes, I think there are.

If you're writing for the market only, and not for yourself, that's THE wrong reason. Of course the market is a primary consideration, but not the more important. The more imporant is to write from our heart and from our head, hoping the passion in us will translate into something marketable, but not with the market being our driving force.

If you're writing because you know you have bestsellers in you, you probably do, and that's great, but...if you're unwilling to allow critique and the editorial opinion of others (future readers, all) then you're not serving your own interests well. We must listen to those who've gone before us. We must listen and learn.

If you're writing without the reader in mind, without respecting their intellect, without being mindful of their feelings, you're writing for some other reason that will only get you in trouble.

If you're writing, thinking you don't need to put in hard work all the way, from manuscript-to sale-to publication-to marketing and beyond, then you're mistaken, my friend. Leastways, I think so.

Okay, so now let's all get to it! May 2007 be the WRITE year for us all!


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