Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wednesdays With Joanne - "Wonder of Wonders...miracle of miracles..."

Hi all,

What a difference a day (and a good bottle of merlot) makes! Fortunate and humbled (no understatement here) to receive good reviews from Library Journal and Romance Reviews Today for A...My Name's Amelia, I'm breathing a sigh of relief...and introspection.

To give too much credence to reviews, which are subjective, is likely not a good thing. But the good reviews go down oh so easily! While I'm still choking on the bad one!

Time to move away from marketing and on to writing again. I have all of my research done for The Parlor House Daughter and plan to get started on this frontier romance soon. As you can tell, I'm fascinated by heroines in the Old West. Talk about's a miracle women survived in the mid-nineteenth century West at all. If you were not married you were a prostitute, end of story. Unfortunately that did mark the "end" for many women who by hook or crook, entered the world of prostitution. Since I've told you that I do believe in miracles, I also believe that a young woman just might be able to navigate her way through the dark and seedy world of the "red light district" in 1880 Denver, and come out alive! As for'll have to read the book!


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