Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesdays With Joanne - "Do 'that thing you do!'"

Hi all,

How many of us wake up every day, rub the sleepy from our eyes, drag ourselves out of bed, feed the animals underfoot, put on the coffee, re-button our pjs, then head for our computer to do "that thing we do" as writers...which is to write, right?


Writing ('that thing we do') is The Best Weapon authors have against any and all woes: marketing, promotion, sales numbers, conferences to attend, agents and editors to query, signings and booktalks to schedule, manuscripts to push, or otherwise. Writers write. How many times have we all heard that? Lots for sure.

This morning, rather than reading "writers write" flat on the page, it's a pop-up for me! I get it. It's that simple and that complicated. Writers write. It's "that thing we do." Sounds simple, so why isn't it?'s so easy for a writer to become embroiled in marketing and promotion, so much so that a writer often stops writing to attend to these important aspects of being published. It's easy to wake up every morning and turn on the computer and--instead of working on our current story--we troll the Internet for this and that, to make sure we're doing all we can for our last published book. This is a good thing to do, but should be done later in the day during a time set aside to do so. We must not let this necessary task(s) suck up our creative writing juices when we should be using our creative energy to get our story pages keyed in. I try to think of the marketing hamster wheel now as something fun to 'hop on' later in the day, where it doesn't affect my daily story pages (which...duh...are very important, too!).

So I say..."do that thing you do" and write, first and foremost! I've discovered that to do so is our Best Weapon of Mass Marketing Construction! We feel really, really good if we've written the next phase of our story(s) to our satisfaction. Then, it's much, much easier to take the bumps and jolts we nearly always have on our marketing radar screens later in the day. We get to discover that we actually can still write. It's oh so easy to forget that when we get carried away on the next marketing wave. But...when we have our daily pages safely keyed onto our hard drive, it's our life saver, and we don't care so much about the marketing bumps and jolts.

You do 'that thing you do,' and I will, too!

Write on,

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