Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wednesdays With Joanne - "From Lincoln Logs to Linking Blogs!"

Hi All,

I'm excited as I'm getting a little closer to actually Linking my Blogs to others; hence, "a blogging we will go!" I know what you're all thinking...about time already, Joanne. I have an excuse. Remember. I'm 61!!!! (Darn, didn't work, did it?)

Just wanted to alert you to my game plan: I hope very soon, to blog on the Five Star Authors' Blog; RomancingTheBlog; and the WomenWritingTheWest Blog. I'm inserting myself in this experiment (on my part, always) to not only become comfortable with blogging and find out what's going on in the writing world, but also to help me access the value of "going on" in the marketing/promotion world, internet-speaking. It's a bad, bad, bad world out there in cyberland, to my thinking. I don't want to start up Home Pages on sites such as MySpace without good reason. How much marketing can one person (much less potential readers) take? The bottom line (and the gist of my self-proclaimed experiment) is to ascertain the value of involvement on numerable internet sites.

I do have a hypothesis: That internet exposure, while wonderful, doesn't coerce readers into buying, anymore than signings, conferences, booktalks, and just plain "hitting the pavement" with our wares. I'm thinking that there are still readers out there who enjoy meeting you at a bookfair or the local bookstore, rather than "hooking up" on the internet.

It's a good thing that I write historical romance, the operative word being historical. Obviously, I'm a throw-back to marketing of old.

Tune in tomorrow...and see whether or not my hypothesis is proved or disproved: whether Linking Blogs or Lincoln Logs have more value. I know. You're all right on the edge of your seats!!! Me, too!!!



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