Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wednesdays with Joanne - "Lincoln Logs and Linking Blogs!"

Happy 2008!

It did feel like Lincoln Log cabin days around here this past week in the Colorado mountains. Snow and blowing snow kept most of us shut-in, even from the ski slopes! Of course it was because of avalanche danger and poor driving visibility but ... welcome to Colorado Ski Country!

I did want to raise the issue of Linking Blogs today, having reached the epiphany that you can blog and blog all you want but if you're not linked you're blogging alone. Not that I haven't appreciated it when any of you have answered my blog, it's just that I realize that I need to be "linked" to others to reach a broader readership. I say this because I am very interested, and always am, in what readers have to say about my writing, their writing, or anyone else's!

Without critical feedback, a writer is just a writer. With critical feedback, a writer is a lucky writer, indeed!



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