Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wednesdays With Joanne - "The book(s) in us all"

Hi Folks,

Every time I'm at a signing, someone comes up and begins to talk about the books they have in them, yet to write. Invaribly what follows is one reason after another about "why" they haven't started on their novel(s). Hidden in this same person's meaning is perhaps the inference that "all they need is a little time and then they can write." I hope so for their sakes. Wouldn't that be nice if it were that simple. Geez, maybe it is and no one told me!

I absolutely love to talk to folks at signings. Those who stop for a chat and a look at my book(s) are usually polite, gracious, interested, intelligent, and just plain nice. Of course they're honest, too; many not liking romance, per se, yet willing to have a look. Many who stop are writers themselves, or at least beginning writers. Some have a good friend or relative who writes and is published. To this I say Hurray! To any accomplishments along the writing journey, I say Hurray!

Back to the person in the first paragraph, who wants to write, but hasn't yet. The only part I think they've yet to understand about writing, no matter whether fiction or non-fiction, is that finishing a book is the first step in writing. I know that sounds crazy, but a writer needs to know they CAN finish something. Only through the discipline of setting aside a time and place to write, can they begin writing, then finish their manuscript. Once finished, not only will the issue of "wanting to write and never having time to write" be off the table, but the issue of thinking "it's easily done" will be off the table, too.

Important for all of us is getting started in the first place. Don't wait, planning for that "some day" to arrive. Whether a beginning writer sets aside a little time before work in the morning, or a time at night to get those fingers keyed in, the first "book(s) in us all" will be in the making. How cool, and yes, how simple is that?

I do believe we all have books in us, waiting to come out. So, what are you waiting for?



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