Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesdays with Joanne - "Kicking and Screaming into the Bloggosphere!"

Hi all,

Yes, I do already have this blog. And yes, on rare occasion someone actually posts a comment. I do feel a little alone out here on my skinny blog limb and so ... I hope to increase my readership (bloggily-speaking) by linking up, hooking up, and chatting it up on other writers' blogs.

I attended a Cyberspace Marketing talk at the recently-held WomenWritingTheWest conference in Colorado Springs, put forth by non-fiction author, Donna Druchunus. She's written several successful books including ARCTIC LACE. Well, you can bet that I paid attention to her words when she shared that at one point ARCTIC LACE was 800 on Amazon! My oh my, I said to myself. Donna does Blog Tours for her books. I won't go into detail, except to say that she literally sets up a blog tour with 30 or so writers and posts on their blogs. You can see the value in this, ie many other folks get to know about Donna and her writing, through other sites and other subjects. A nifty idea, I'd say.

Also, I have the pleasure of e-knowing the wonderful, successful writers, Karen Kay and Alice Duncan. These women are amazing in talent and generosity. Bestselling, Native American author, Kay, is part of a western blog, Check it out and comment, absolutely. I might be able to guest post on Kay's blog, which would be an honor. Alice is a talented, award-winning, bestselling author and editor. She's ever a font a knowledge on well ... just about everything. It would be an honor, indeed, if she gets a blog up and going, to guest post on her site. You can see where I'm going with this. You can see the value of being on the same cyberpage with these powerhouse women. You bet, I'm a groupie!

And so ... whether kicking and screaming all the way into the bloggosphere ... I shall try to go where "no historical romance writer from Tabernash, CO, has gone before!"

Blogging all the way ...


1 comment:

marieconley3 said...

I just wanted you to know that you have me as a reader even if I have never posted before. You are on my google reader.