Wednesday, May 7, 2008

HEART 2 HEART ~ "Comfortable in your writing shoes?"

Hi guys,

We've all heard the expression, "be comfortable in your shoes," more than once I'm certain. If applied to writing, I think this expression is an apt fit.

Let's face it. We're all on different rungs of that Great Writing Ladder to the New York Times Bestseller list, whether or not we admit it. This is only one of the many realities out there waiting for us when we first put finger to key ... to pen the Great American Novel. So what happens in between to encourage us or discourage us from the writing of said novel?

The harsh reality of the writing industry, that's what! The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, I call it. First the Good. We're creating, we're writing, we're following our passion, we're plotting and planning and finding our niche`, we're entering contests and finding our way to critique groups, attending conferences, participating in workshops, and networking with other writers, some of whom are already on "the list." Then, wonder of wonders, we're getting published. Still all good so far, right guys?

Then comes the Bad. We're discovering we're not really the only writer in the room, of course. This is a necessary lesson to learn. We are only one among all the horrible hoardes getting published, getting reviewed, setting up appearances in bookstores and libraries, milking each release for all it's worth, trying to market and get our brand out there. I label this bad since learning to market ourselves is anything but easy. We must morph from that cute little puppy into a pit bull. For some this might be fun. For others ... can we go back to the shelter now, please?

Last, the Ugly. Reviews can be ugly. One man or woman's disagreeable opinion can send you into the corner for weeks, where you're free to put yourself down, call yourself names, and forswear never to write again. While ugly, hopefully this is a short period in our faltering writing careers. The other shoe has to fall when the reviews are not good, and the numbers are not there in sales. Ugly, indeed. Another painful realization can settle into your bones now, rearing it's ugly head: writing can be competitive. Ugh! The "C" word! so, what's the answer? Where's the cure for such a cursed malady?

Like clicking our little red shoes together, we've had the power all along to get out of the Uglies and rid ourselves of creeping competitive feelings. Once we learn to find our writing spot and are comfortable in our writing shoes, then ... we write books that get good reviews and many more readers, bless them! We've learned the dirty little secret in writing (at least in this writer's mind) that we, each one of us, have something unique to offer. No matter what our genre, no matter how many others are writing in the same genre ... no one else can create our heroes and heroines and write our stories. Sometimes we're good, sometimes bad, and sometimes ugly, but we're all the time unique. Once we learn our best fit for the market, we can take our unique little booties to market, and sell, sell, sell. We've found our market at last, large print press or small, and can say with pride that we're comfortable in our writing shoes.

We're not trying to put on anyone's shoes now but our own.

Until next time,

Jo(anne) Gregg Sundell

A...My Name's Amelia, LP 8/08
The Parlor House Daughter, 12/08
Meggie's Remains, 7/09

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