Friday, January 23, 2009

HEART 2 HEART - "If you DON'T have the self-confidence gene, what really helps in writing is ..." keep writing and keep selling! It's that simple and that complicated.

There are writers out there who are prettier, thinner, smarter, richer, more poised, more well-spoken, better at time management, listed in top 10 book sales throughout the land, agent-represented, signed on for speaking events at every conference, more savvy at working the Net, and far more expert in social and writing networking than moi`.

OK, that's a given. No danger in that whatsoever. I, for one, celebrate everyone's success. It's darn hard to write and darn hard to sell. Why do I insert "danger" into my narrative here? For good reason.

There's a fine line between celebrating the success of other writers and comparing ourselves to them -- setting ourselves up in some kind of phantom competition. Yes, to me that's dangerous AND whittles away at our self-esteem and self-confidence. We, none of us, have time for this nonsense.

It's critical to stay focused on our own writing and our own networking and our own place in today's writing world, doing our utmost to improve at every turn of the "crafting" page. We have only to learn from other writers, and if we're lucky enough to know writers who are also editors ... kismet! No better writing-self-confidence-builder!

Self-confidence for this writer, comes from writing and selling. I know I'm not the prettiest, the smartest, the most well-spoken nor the most talented, but darn it ... I'm selling to a fantastic publishing house and my books are selling to a fantastic library market ... and sometimes beyond. Because I know "it's darn hard to write and darn hard to sell," and because my books are selling ... I'm happy in my writing shoes and ever grateful to own a pair. A good fit builds self-confidence. It's that simple and that complicated.

A more confident `09 to us all!

Jo(anne) Gregg Sundell


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