Wednesday, February 4, 2009

HEART 2 HEART - "Everyone Needs Their Own Writing Spot"

As I'm about to Leave the Comfort Zone of my "old writing spot," I'm more aware than ever that we all need Our Own Writing Spot!

Where, When, Why, and How we write is what makes us unique, of course. Unique is good, is it not? It's what the agents and editors want and hopefully, what we want, too. I subscribe to the school of thought professing that every step in the writing process is an important one. Every step matters. How do we feel when we sit down at our computers, both physically and mentally? Is it a good day or bad? Are we writing under pressure, under deadline, or can our imaginations wander where they will? Some might be able to write, unfettered by outside distraction, but not moi`! Some write according to a fairly-set schedule ... which is moi`!

How many of us have heard people say that they'd love to write a book but don't have the time? (Of course, they never talk about any skill that might perhaps be involved.) I believe that those who want to write but say they don't have the time, are unwilling "to take the time" to actually sit down and write. Writing takes discipline. Writing, to me, means I have to set down a time and place to write and stick to that schedule no matter what. Of course we all have "push" moments when we have to get something done, but that's not what I'm talking about here.

This is where "Our Own Writing Spot" comes in. If we have a place of our own and a time of our own to set down our thoughts ... viola` ... those thoughts actually come! Our unique story begins to unfold before our very eyes because we're snugly tucked in the warm, welcoming arms of our own writing spot, where we can trust our imaginations to soar!

Happy Writing,

Jo(anne) Gregg Sundell


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